Apex Trader Funding Journal - 29May2024 - Pre Market

Trade 6.  Order flow showed a move lower was expected.  However, after consolidation, price moved higher and a retest held (see left-most orange horizontal line), so I exited at a loss..

Trade 7. Price failed to break higher and retested consolidation a 2nd time.  Order flow continued to show short, so I re-entered a short.  Price moved to the bottom of the consolidation range but then a retest from the downside failed, and price re-entered.  I thought there would likely be trapped shorts as a result of this, and this would fuel a move higher, so I did not want to be short at this point.  I exited with a 3t profit.

Trade 8 is a scalp based on an exhaustion bear flag.

Trade 9. The expectation is that the bear flag would continue at least one leg higher to break the 3rd orange line.  I anticipated that price would consolidation around the orange line until market open.  Ultimately this thesis did happen, but not until after I stopped out.

Trade 10. A scalp based on order flow once the thesis Trade 9 was based upon played out.

Green lines indicate winning trades.  Red lines indicate losing trades.

Trade: The trade number on this day.
DCA: Dollar Cost Average - This increases each time a trade is added to a losing trade.  As per Apex rules, this should never be greater than 1.
AIP: Add In Profit - This increases each time a trade is added to a winning trade.  This can be unlimited.
Entry: Time in UTC.
Exit: Time in UTC.
Size: The number of ES contracts traded.
Direction: Long or Short.
MAE: Maximum Adverse Excursion.  This is the maximum number of ticks the trade moved against me during the duration of the trade.  As per Apex rules, this should average less than 4 (risk) to 1 (reward).  Apex have stated that this is not a hard rule providing risk is sensibly managed.
TC: Ticks Captured.  The number of ticks captured by the trade.  A negative number indicates a loss.  To calculate the profit, multiple TC by Size.
