Apex Trader Funding Journal - 29May2024 - US Session

Initially, I did not have a thesis and was planning to scalp Order Flow.

Trade 13 (short) was stopped out with Order Flow supporting a break higher.

Trade 14 and 15 were Long scalps based on bullish Order Flow showing a likely move higher.  However, Order Flow changed and the breakout failed.  Trade 15 was exited early (3t profit) based on increasing Offers.

Based on the failed break higher, I formed a thesis that support at 5288 would be tested.  So from this point, all trades would be short.  The plan was to keep one short position on (Trade 16) in the hope that support at 5288 breaks.

It could take a while for support to break, so the plan was to scalp Order Flow while waiting.  Attention to be paid to ensure no more than one trade is added above the initial entry price to comply with Apex DCA rules.

The support line did break, but not until market close.  I exited before the line broke due to time constraints.

Green lines indicate winning trades.  Red lines indicate losing trades.

Trade: The trade number on this day.
DCA: Dollar Cost Average - This increases each time a trade is added to a losing trade.  As per Apex rules, this should never be greater than 1.
AIP: Add In Profit - This increases each time a trade is added to a winning trade.  This can be unlimited.
Entry: Time in UTC.
Exit: Time in UTC.
Size: The number of ES contracts traded.
Direction: Long or Short.
MAE: Maximum Adverse Excursion.  This is the maximum number of ticks the trade moved against me during the duration of the trade.  As per Apex rules, this should average less than 4 (risk) to 1 (reward).  Apex have stated that this is not a hard rule providing risk is sensibly managed.
TC: Ticks Captured.  The number of ticks captured by the trade.  A negative number indicates a loss.  To calculate the profit, multiple TC by Size.
